“Student Thankers”

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By Peter Alexander, Greenwich

First time returning home from boarding school or college is special, making Thanksgiving even more special.

Greenwich is a special place.

New friends etc., the challenges of emotion, intellectual and athletic reality checks over your first Semester away get more reflective at Christmas.

But be extra Thankful this time.

From happy you do not have to put up with this and that here to getting to see your family and friends at home to having a new friend or two visit your Town, it is a special time.

Reflect on what you love about here, what you would change if you were schooling still here, get involved at least intellectually on what people perceive of our Zip Codes, reputation and being understood “from Greenwich”.

My experience was in 1961. Greenwich was very much a Town then. 50 years ago the elders decided to lure commerce here with tax and spending in their favor. My Generation was blamed because there were so many more of us schools etc. had to be built and paid for. Commercial commuters would not have students here so please come. It has not worked. By the time I finished grad school 16 years later Town & Country had changed a lot. Neither is trustworthy now. It is all about politics & who gets to spend the tax monies.

From Secondary School Freshmen to College Freshmen you share the fact of being born or first days in school on 9/11/2001. Please get active in your schools to bring about the change we need to restore our Town & Country. Study our histories and be proud. Don’t just listen to the professorials who know everything about everything including your Town.

Know and understand among the bests we were born and raised with luck of parents and place we have the best Police Department anywhere.

Next year we will celebrate the 375th Anniversary of our founding as a Town.

Jump in, study and help make it even better.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING my fellow luckies.

Peter F. Alexander