A Little Care with Your Leaf Piles Keeps Roadway Safe

Huge leaf piles impacting the safe movement of people and vehicles is a yearly complaint that is easily avoided with a little planning and patience.

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Leaf Collection is a long standing service provided to Greenwich residences located on most public streets. The Leaf Collection Program is conducted for a 6 to 8 week period from Mid-November to Mid-December weather permitting.  The program requires  residents  to rake  leaves only into piles at the shoulder and off the pavement of the road in front of their residence.

Residents are requested to avoid raking leaves onto the sidewalks, catch basin grates and open channels.

All material placed in violation of State of Connecticut, General Statutes, Chapter 368m, Sec. 19a-335, Nuisances on Highways are subject to being fined.

Residents are encouraged to pay particular attention to the proper placement of leaves when they contract with a Landscaper for Fall leaf cleanup.

 Related story:

Ready to Rake? Greenwich Restores Second Curbside Leaf Pickup